I have just returned from another outing to the Liverpool County Court, where I am a frequent visitor. It is one of my favourite courts. The judges are polite and sensible. The ushers are wry and efficient.
And downstairs, is Hemingways Coffee shop, which I can testify provides the best bacon sandwich I have encountered in 22 years as a barrister, on that guiltiest of pleasures, white bread.
There are also numerous comfortable hotels, within easy walking distance where a deep and refreshing sleep may be had, when engaged on a multi-day piece of significant litigation. What, I ask myself rhetorically, is not to like?
So I am looking forward to returning to Liverpool on 14th March 2018, in order to deliver a talk at the Liverpool Law Society Costs Conference on such evils as clients, retainers, the Solicitors Accounts Rules and the current fashion for solicitor-own client detailed assessments under the Solicitors Act 1974.
I would be pleased to meet any subscribers to this blog at the conference, if you come up to say hello.