We have reached the dog days of the year, the darkest point of winter, where one leaves home in the dark and comes home in the dark, enjoying the sensation of having marinated one’s feet in good leather for twelve hours of travel and advocacy.
But on the 21st, the day of the equinox the days will begin to grow incrementally lighter and the world will start to orbit back towards summer again.
It is accordingly time to think already about 2019.
This coming spring, I am offering to existing clients and prospective clients seminars on solicitor-client costs disputes, costs issues in commercial cases and a further seminar on the law and practice of litigation funding.
If you instruct me and would like a “catch up”, or would be interested in instructing me and would like to meet me, then do drop me a line. I do not charge for preparing and presenting seminars, though good coffee, some excellent biscuits and lunch is appreciated.
The best way to contact me is in chambers on andrewhogan@ropewalk.co.uk