Spanish Caravan

The Easter holidays are over: I have returned from an all too brief holiday in Andalucía, to the usual pile of paper, and about 100,000 emails, most of which can be mercifully deleted on the premise, that if the enquiry is still current, or important, the sender will be in contact again.

Already the Easter term commenced last week, and litigation is starting to roll.

On 13th May 2016 I shall be attending the ACL’s annual conference in London, where I shall be speaking on the delights of costs budgeting, a topic I am pleased to note has a particular currency given the amendments to the costs budgeting rules this month and of course the flotation of the idea of its abolition, through an extensive and all embracing regime of fixed costs.

I hope to see many of you there and please do come and say hello.

Do not be shy, when pressing a drink into my hand at the dinner on Friday night, or even better, unloading your burdens about your latest troublesome case into my sympathetic ear in order to find a solution.

In the meantime, noting that the Easter term is quickly followed by Trinity Term and it is a long time until the summer vacation starts on 29th July, here is a musical interlude to foster warm memories of sunnier climes.



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