Each year I undertake a number of seminars entitled A Conversation on Costs, usually at the offices of solicitors who instruct me, or would like to instruct me. It is a chance, in an informal question and answer session to discuss some of the burning issues of the day in costs and litigation funding.
There are still a few slots on my summer tour available. If you would be interested in me coming to your firm by all means pick up the phone for a chat (0115) 947 2581 or email on andrewhogan@ropewalk.co.uk
On another note I would be interested in developing this website: both in terms of its appearance and content and would welcome some feedback.
For some time I have been pondering refreshing the design, though I have a great fondness for this blog theme. Any suggestions for further topics to include in the content will be read with interest if you care to send them to me at andrewhogan@ropewalk.co.uk
At the current time an average of 1500 people a week visit this blog according to my measurements looking for a wide variety of information and brought here by various search terms entered into Google.
A small percentage of the searches which bring the reader to my website are along the lines of “What happens if I don’t pay my solicitor?”.
The answer to the latter can only sensibly be “Bad things. Very bad things can happen indeed.”