Why would a litigation solicitor wish, when making a retainer with a client to charge the…
Year: 2017
Part 36 offers and detailed assessments
Part 36 of the Civil Procedure Rules has been around since the initial implementation of the…
The end of the road
The judgment of the Court of Appeal in the case of Budana v The Leeds Teaching…
Interpreting part 36 offers
One of the perennial areas of work in costs litigation concerns disputes over part 36 offers. Even…
Costs and unallocated cases
From time to time, part 36 offers are made and accepted in respect of unallocated claims which…
Spring Lecture Tour
Already the diary is filling up for the first few months of next year, and so,…
A new model for group litigation
This summer has seen the conclusion of a number of group actions, including the RBS Rights…
Creative accounting
In the last few months I have been undertaking an increasing number of detailed assessments where costs…
Costs budgeting 2017
On 16th October 2017 I am speaking at the Law Society Commercial Litigation Conference in Chancery Lane…
Hard times
The Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 amongst other horrors, provides a set of convoluted provisions for remission of court…